Saturday, March 24, 2018

Week in Review: Spring, Thou Art a Liar

Well, I survived the week.  
Credit: The Big Bang Theory, Pinterest
...I don't anticipate next week to be very enjoyable as far as college classes go, since one professor still hasn't posted the midterm and I know it's coming...someday...somehow...

And aside from that, I got my class schedule for next semester figured out.  

Which starts my senior year as an undergrad. 
Credit: TBBT/

Currently reading: My Hero by Debbie Macomber and the Ivy Malone Mystery Series by Lorena McCourtney.  

Currently writing: My Compass Home and scholarship entries this week.  Oh, and a couple of opinion articles for the college newspaper. 

Current Bible verse: Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you -- Joshua 1:9 NIV.  One of my favorite verses.  One that I think a lot of people need to remember in this day and age, especially with the news being twisted every which slant *ahem* Did I just say that out loud?  

Anyway...this week was pretty quiet, all in all, aside from a rapid-onset cold I developed and the Nor'Easter we got, ironically during the first day of spring.  I for one am ready to go outside and actually do something with my horses rather than sitting inside on my computer kind of Gollum-style.

And on that note, how was your week, guys? 

Oh, and if you're interested, Welcome Home is on sale today (Kindle version only) for $1.99 until tomorrow at 11 AM, when it will go up to $2.99 until Monday (which is still on sale from $3.99).  


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