Saturday, March 3, 2018

Week In Review: Tumbling into March

Hey everyone, and happy weekend!  So I'm going to try doing a little "week in review" post on Saturdays, mostly just about what I've been up to this week. goes!

Currently reading: "A Novel Idea" by Tyndale Publishing.  Great resource for writers planning to write Christian fiction; I'll be writing a review post for it once I'm finished reading it!

Current projects: Um, too many?  I'm working on "My Compass Home" which will be the second book in the Faith, Hope, and Love collection.  I'm also working on "Something New" for Mount Sterling and a yet-untitled book of short stories and poems. Oh, and a manuscript I intent to send to publishing houses this year (I hope), which I plotted out this week. 

Current Bible verse: "Where God guides, He provides" --Isaiah 58:11.  I think this is an important thing to remember.  If anyone is feeling uncertain about the path you feel God is leading you to, remember this verse. 

This week, I had a KDP Select freebie promo for "Everything I Never Said" which went pretty well: six copies downloaded and an equal amount of shares on Facebook.  Shout-out to everyone who downloaded copies or shared the post (sharers being my mother, father, and brother--thanks guys!) I reached an all-time high on my Facebook page stats, drawing a crowd of 70 viewers for the posts--wow!  If anyone downloaded a copy of the book, please feel free to leave a review on Amazon.  Those reviews count! 

I also put a new banner up for the blog and Facebook page using Canva, and I must say...I'm in love with it.  Your thoughts? 

On top of all of this (far more interesting stuff) I also had a truckload of college work and essays to work on this week.  Oh, midterm season, how I loathe you.  I still have two essays to work on before tomorrow; so much for a weekend or a break or...relaxation in general.  Oof. did your week go?  Sound off in the comments below or feel free to message me!  I love hearing from you guys. 


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