Saturday, March 31, 2018

Week In Review: Waiting on Sunrise

Happy Easter, folks! 

So this week was essentially a compilation of things I needed to do and, for one reason or another, didn't or couldn't.

Or didn't *want* to do.

Namely, the essay one professor tossed on us due Monday, that wasn't mentioned until Monday. 

And the surprise mini-assignment the same professor popped on us Friday night (at 10:30 PM) due the day after Easter... Monday. 
Credit: Disney's Tangled / Pinterest 
That aside.

Currently reading: Ivy Malone Mystery Series (see last week) and Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf (not by choice, but college dictates that I do...)

Current Bible verse: see above ^^^ and remember the reason for the season!

Currently writing: My Compass Home and the plot for another book, Project Remember Me.  Not to mention a few poems for journal submissions to Sigma Tau Delta (the English honor society I'm in) and poems for a college  contest.  And some works for a book of short stories, poetry, etc.  And the 150th anniversary play I mentioned. 
I don't know how many words I wrote.  I *am* words, for all I know at this point.  Oy vey.  Not to mention the writing I wanted to get done, but haven't for one reason or another. 

Not to mention the less-than-defunct websites I need to use for taxes.  Enjoy the jobless life, kids; it's no fun paying taxes or even having to file them. 

But hey.  There's a rare glimpse of the sun out today and I'm thankful for it...This week I was almost positive the weather patterns changed and we were living in Washington state's weather now. 

Anyway, I hope you guys have a splendid and blessed Easter weekend!  What are your plans?  And what's your process for plotting new books?  Sound off in the comments! 


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