Saturday, April 14, 2018

Week In Review: From Zero to Sixty

I wish I would have thought about taking a picture of my class to-do list this week before I started crossing things off, because it totally filled an entire copy page...with small handwriting. But the important thing is that it's done with.  Mostly. For another week.
Image result for Iron Man I think I did okay gif
Credit: Iron Man, 2008


Currently reading: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. comics and Star Wars: The Last Jedi by Michael Reaves.  (Non-canon.) I'm also reading Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman, partly for school and partly out of interest due to the Thor movies by Marvel (although it's Loki I'm reading up on). 

Current projects: My Compass Home, formatting A Town Nativity for publication, and I'm getting ready to start play practices for my church's 150th anniversary play.  I honestly don't know how many words I wrote this week, but between this week and last, I filled half of a composition book and then wrote on the computer some as well, if that counts for anything. 

Current Bible verse: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.  (John 14:27, NKJV) Remember to pray for Syria and the protection for our country as well as France and the UK after the air strikes, which were an attempt to disable Syrian leader Assad's chemical warfare against his own, occurred last night. 

Some exciting news:  
A ) I finished the first (very rough) draft of My Compass Home.  That project went from zero to sixty in about ten days.  It only took me a week to write the first draft for Welcome Home, so that's about average for this series.  That's how I roll.  And....(drum roll)

Community Post: 27 Lessons That Everyone Can Learn From "Psych" dorky dancing with your best friend is okay
Credit: Psych from channel USA
B ) I finished up the cover design on CreateSpace. Isn't it pre-e-etty?  (Image by, who I highly recommend contacting if you want to use stock images commercially.  They have gorgeous photos!) 
I'm pretty psyched to finally have another draft for the series finished. It's been, what, almost three years since the first one was published? Oops. But when inspiration does strike, it strikes swiftly and requires the utmost attention. Which is really unfortunate towards the end of a college semester, but eh. It's done now.  But two weeks into Camp NaNo and I'm done with my original that's good, I suppose. 

How are your Camp NaNo projects coming along?  Anyone anticipating the end of school in favor of spending time in the spring weather?  


  1. THE COVER FOR MY COMPASS HOME IS SOOOO PRETTY! I want to read it! But I still have to finish Welcome Home...xD

    Currently, my Camp NaNo project is at 14,040 words! It's not exactly an achievement because I've already written past 14k before, but I'm so close to the end, which WILL be an achievement! :D

    1. Thank you!! Haha hey, maybe it'll get published soon and you'll be able to read both together :D

      Aaaahhh!!! Fantastic! Now that's something I can't wait to read.

    2. YAY!

      BE PREPARED FOR EMOTIONS!! Last night, I left off with a scene between Lizzie and Junior...they were talking about Henry. :(
