Sunday, July 1, 2018

Author Interview & Book Spotlight: Angela R. Watts & "The Thief, The Damsel, And The Dragon"!

Update: purchase The Thief, The Damsel, And the Dragon HERE!
We have a special post today in honor of The Thief, The Damsel, And The Dragon by Angela R. Watts.  It's coming out this week, and I'll update the post for you guys as soon as the Amazon link is up because you really need to check this book out.  With that being said, I asked Angela a few questions, which she very graciously answered as part of her blog tour week -- and without further ado, let's get on to the interview!
Credit: Angela R. Watts

What inspired you to write The Thief, The Damsel, And The Dragon
Angela: I sat down to brainstorm and jot down whatever came....And those three things seem pretty interesting together...So I decided I wanted to switch them up and make them less than obvious. ;)

What did you enjoy the most about writing it? 
Angela: The characters!  Or the setting.  I really miss North Carolina.  But I do like the characters a lot, ha!

What is one thing you hope to convey to readers with this novella?
Angela: That we cannot win our battles alone.  And sometimes, we may not even know we're trying to do things alone -- maybe we think we're letting God be God, but we still fight and struggle to get it all OUR way.  In truth, we have to trust God...And trust that, yes, when we make mistakes, it doesn't make us less.  God still loves us.

Why did you choose Psalm 91:13 to represent this book?
"Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet." Psalms 91:13
This verse, to me, is another of God's promise.  Satan is like a serpent -- vicious and sneaky...but with God, Satan is weak.  If we trust in God, we can move mountains, we can overcome the dragons!  Psalms 91:13 is a battle verse for me...And I wanted it to show what The Thief, The Damsel, And The Dragon is truly about.

"'....the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.' ~Psalms 91:13
Edward Prosner is going to steal from the small town mayor of Fall Springs, North Carolina.  He's got a flawless plan of action and is determined to return honor and justice for his father's good name.  The problem he faces?  He needs a date for the mayor's dinner party.

Lucy Levitt is a huge romantic at heart, but with her family's ranch and her part-time job, she has no time for dating.  She believes God will place her soulmate in her life when the time is right.  When the new man in town asks her out, how can she say no?

The first date seems ordinary enough, but then they begin to realize that they can't fight their dragons alone...."

I absolutely cannot wait for this book to be released.  It sounds like it has some fantastic messages of faith interwoven.  Click HERE to find The Thief, The Damsel, And The Dragon on Goodreads -- and make sure to add it to your shelves (both virtual and physical)!


  1. Thanks SOOO much for interviewing me, Michaela! =D ♥ God bless!
