Tuesday, October 30, 2018

SpireGirl 2018 Blog Tour: Spotlight!

Hey everyone!  I'm excited to be participating in the SpireGirl 2018 tour both today and Thursday!  Click HERE for the full tour schedule so you can catch up on posts and look forward to the upcoming features.  While you're there, make sure to check out Medomfo's blog!  She has some awesome content. 

Now for the spotlight:
If you were familiar with the Robertson family back when they had their own show - Duck Dynasty - you may already know who this is because she was on a few big episodes.  For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, you'll want to look them up online because each person in their family is inspirational, and they have authored some wonderful books as well.  The inspirational lady I'm highlighting today is Mary Kate Robertson, who is married to John Luke. 

She blogs on The Little Duckwife and while she doesn't tour or speak like her sister-in-law Sadie, she often writes very worthwhile, wholesome posts.   From anything about being a Christian college student to what it's been like being married at what society considers a young age, she provides a window into her life honestly and with grace.  She's an excellent role model for young girls and a source of encouragement for ladies her age and perhaps older.  Her social media feeds prove that being modest, kind, and courageous -- a Proverbs 31 kind of woman -- is exactly what we should pursue as believers of Christ. 

Honestly, it's such a great thing to see a young woman like Mary Kate living life fully from a Christian perspective.  She opens up about dealing with health struggles and many of the worldly issues we face -- through an encouragingly Christian lens.  Even if she's famous, she's still human.  Down-to-earth.  That's why I love following her online -- she especially has a presence on Instagram -- and I think you will, too. 


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