Friday, December 21, 2018

Review: Kind by Kellyn Roth!

Hey everyone!  Today I have a review of Kellyn Roth's new Christmas short story.  It's coming out tomorrow -- Dec. 22 -- so make sure to head on over to Amazon and snag a copy! 
I absolutely loved this short story.  It was very compelling -- I am very interested in the WWII era (as well as most wars) and was excited to read this story, which is situated in post-war Germany.  It deals with the dynamics between one American Lieutenant and a German family, the Slades.  I loved the banter between soldiers -- very realistic and well-written.  The story as a whole transports you across the decades -- and across the ocean, for some -- to imagine a very unique, sweet, and kind dynamic between Neil and the Slade family.  A great, clean Christmas story with great lessons interwoven.  Perhaps it's also a testament to how folks can get along if we just try to.  Overall, I'm glad to give this one a 5 star rating.  Make sure you buy a copy just in time for Christmas break!  

Find it on Goodreads HERE and Amazon HERE.   You can also check it out on Kellyn Roth's website HERE