Saturday, December 1, 2018

Week In Review: What Day Is It??

Hey everyone!  Admittedly, I almost forgot to even post anything today.  This week has flown by and I've felt like it's Friday at least three times since last Friday.  If that doesn't make sense to you, it's okay - it doesn't make sense to me either.  Between writing a 7 page research essay for communications class, a bunch of "hair-on-fire" happenings yesterday involving my work, and the general bustle of November and December, I'm a bit out of sorts.  Not to mention that I've started into my three weeks of finals, so there's that. 

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Credit: Olan Rogers//Gifer
Also, you'll want to make sure you keep an eye peeled for a special post on Monday!

Currently Reading: Kiera by Kate Willis, Silent Days, Holy Night by Phyllis Clark Nichols - reviews to come for both.  I also read Finding Fireflies by Angie Thompson, which I loved.  

Current Bible Verse:  "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name" (Psalm 100:4, KJV). 

Currently Writing: Nothing...again.  Although I am working on a plot idea that is both fascinating to me and absolutely heartrending, so...

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Credit: NCIS//Tenor

I also wanted to re-post this in case you missed it.  This was Wednesday's post about how awesome you guys all are, so make sure to check it out!  

Now that it is socially acceptable to discuss Christmas, do you have any favorite Christmas movies or traditions for this time of the year?  Who survived NaNo?


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