Monday, January 7, 2019

Change Is Coming...

Hey everyone!  I just wanted to do a quick post to let you all know what's going on before I actually do anything.  If that makes sense. 

Image result for Hulk you can smell the crazy
Credit: The Avengers // Tenor 
Over last week, I was working on a Wordpress website, trying to get something started up for the business I hope to launch in May.  I'll have more details on that later on, and you'll probably hear so much about it that you'll hate me (welcome to my life, actually).
I was working on the website and it was going really well and -- then I realized that this website would get, like, 0 traffic because I wouldn't be blogging on it.  I planned to maintain both this site - as my blog - and a Wordpress website - as my business site.  Thanks to that revelation, hours of work went down the drain and I've decided to stay right where I am.

The problem is?  I absolutely abhor the website design I have going on right now.  It's just...weird.  Maybe it's just me being perfectionistic, but I'm not a fan.  Therefore, I've been perusing Etsy for premade Blogger designs.  Much as I'd like to brush up on my HTML, I have no clue how to code specifically for Blogger, so I'll be buying a layout and loading it onto this website sometime this month.  I have no clue when I'll actually get that done; it just depends on my schedule and how hard it's going to be to get the layout up and running.  So please be aware that sometime soon, you'll type this address in and it'll look really, really different.  Or won't be working right because I'm in the middle of updating it, probably.  

So, there you have it!  I'm actually pretty excited about this! 

I also have a question/PSA for one of the contributors to my survey: Someone sent in the survey and said that they were hoping to launch a book in 2019 and thought it would be "cool" if I participated in the book tour.  Their top 3 interests were "How-to books or free written 'courses,' signed books, and a review service."  If you are that person, would you please let me know by commenting or emailing me?  I would love to follow you and learn more about the book you're hoping to launch!  I was a bit of a dimwit when I set up the survey and didn't tell Google to save names or anything (if you look at it now, I have a spot to enter your name/email address, but I didn't then).  Thanks and I hope to "meet" you!


  1. "Hi there! I totally get the excitement and stress of launching a new business. For anyone working on a WordPress site, having solid WordPress support services can be a lifesaver. It really helped me streamline my setup and handle those tricky issues. Looking forward to hearing more about your business!"
