Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Hey everyone!  This is going to be short and sweet because it's been storming all day (well...all week...), but I just wanted to let you know that you can sign up for my blog tour celebrating the business launch!  Victoria Lynn is hosting, so you can sign up through the link HERE !  Only a coupl…

Thursday, May 23, 2019

10k Blog Giveaway + SALES this weekend!

10k Blog Giveaway + SALES this weekend!
Yep, you read correctly: I hit 10,00 views on my blog this week!  I'm grateful to everyone who has ever stopped by to read posts, comment, or anything - and to express my appreciation, I have a giveaway for you guys to enter! CJ's Crafts Shop (owned by my mother) so graciously offered to ma…

Monday, May 20, 2019

What I've Been Up To + Launch, Anyone??

What I've Been Up To + Launch, Anyone??
Hey everyone!  You might've noticed that I haven't written anything about my books or life lately (or maybe not; no grudges held).  I've been largely absent because of college.  I finally graduated with a B.A. in English earlier this month, which was cool.  This was the first graduatio…

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Hey everyone!  Today I have a super exciting post for you guys-- an interview with Adele, one of Kellyn Roth's characters in her new novel, Souls Astray !  This is a fantastic novel and I highly recommend it.   1) This book follows a lot of major events in your life.  Is there anything you want r…