Friday, June 21, 2019

COVER REVEAL: The Divided Nation by Angela R. Watts!

Hey everyone!  Today I have an exciting post for you -- the cover for Angela R. Watts' upcoming YA dystopian/apocalypse, The Divided Nation!  The book will be coming out in August, and it is the first book in The Infidel Books series.  Make sure to keep up with news about the upcoming release by giving Angela R. Watts a follow on her blog!

The United States has fallen. Three years after the 2024 presidential election and the declaration of martial law, the nation is at war against itself. Gangs battle, civilians struggle for survival, and United Nations officials thrive. George Johnston is a powerful ganglord of his own rising empire, but his son, West, refuses to continue the family legacy. Unable to run, West must become his father to defeat him.

 One of the last remaining townships in America, Springtown fights to survive the nation’s destruction. The Fisher family begins an alliances with gangsters Nate Savage and Simon Bucks in exchange for town supplies. When Mr. Fisher’s daughter, Rene’, is kidnapped and her Union officer brother leaves her for dead, Nate and Simon must risk all to save her.

 Told in a bold, abrasive narrative, THE DIVIDED NATION steps into a future where brotherhood bonds must be stronger than iron to survive a broken world and faith without courage is revealed to be dust in the wind.

Pumped for this book yet?  If you aren't excited yet, you will be once you see the!

If you need me, I'll just be staring in awe over how perfect this cover is. 

Are you looking forward to reading The Divided Nation?  Make sure to shelf it on Goodreads!


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