Friday, October 18, 2019

GUIDE ME HOME Cover Reveal!!!

Hey everyone!  This week marked the start of Draft 3 for Guide Me Home, which entails the first time I'm actually reading my own book in order.  Is it weird that I'm nervous and excited?...Probably. 

Anyway, you'll be hearing more about it later, but I wanted to let you guys know that I'll be doing a cover reveal on November 8th!  I just finished the front cover yesterday and while I might need to do some more tweaks, I actually really like how it turned out.  On the first try, no less! 

If you'd like to help me spread the word about the upcoming novella *and* if you want to be among the first people to see the cover, would you consider joining my cover reveal?  Anyone is welcome to join as long as you have some form of social media or a blog -- and if you're reading this, you probably do!  Sign-ups are open now, and as a thank-you for celebrating the cover reveal with me, you'll be entered in a giveaway for an ebook copy of Guide Me Home!  

Sounds fun?  Click HERE to join!!


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