Friday, October 30, 2020


 We're one week away from the release of THE LADY OF LANARIA!  I'm going to be busy getting the proof sent for approval and...feeling like I've forgotten to do a hundred things even though I have a to-do list.  Oops.  But in the meantime...

I was going to share this tomorrow (and I mentioned like two days ago that the giveaway would open Oct 31st) but I'm going to be super busy, so I just opened up the giveaway a day early.  You guys won't complain, will you?  Enter here:

  a Rafflecopter giveaway  



1 - Signed copy of THE LADY OF LANARIA

1 - Bookmark

1 - Map 

1 - Book sleeve made by CJ's Crafts Shop especially for the book

1 - "We Will Thrive" adjustable bracelet cuff by Rustic Lane Jewelry 

Entering on Rafflecopter is super easy! BUT I will add that the "don't follow to unfollow" rule applies here too.  I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy following these lovely ladies!  There are some entries that you'll be able to do daily, and you have til Nov 10th to get your entries in!  The only downside is that this is a U.S. only giveaway, since shipping is atrocious.  


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