Saturday, March 27, 2021


 Hey everyone!  Today I'm SUPER excited to share the cover reveal for Angela R. Watts' upcoming novel, Golgotha!  Set to be published by Blade of Truth Publishing on April 10th, it's a Christian YA fantasy, and it's absolutely fantastic.  I'm so excited for the release--and absolutely thrilled to be sharing the cover with you guys!  But first, check out some info about the book!  


Four unlikely companions must band together to escape the Realm of Bones and save their kingdom from a reign of darkness.

Prince Moray will lead his empire to glory, even if it means dabbling with forbidden black magic. But when their parents are murdered, Moray and his brother, Finnigan, are cast into Golgotha—a realm where hope is dead. Finnigan fiercely believes his god, Elohai, will rescue them, but Moray will never trust again.

Princess Ama, promised in marriage to Moray to ensure her clan’s safety from rival tribes, arrives just before a coup and becomes trapped in Golgotha with the smart-mouthed mercenary, Gunnar. Surrounded by strange monsters and ravenous demons, Ama must fight to hold on to her faith—or lose everything.

Despite Ama’s Gift of prophetic dreams, Finnigan’s Gift of energy, Moray’s magic, and Gunnar’s blades, nothing can rescue them from themselves. If they fail to escape, darkness will devour the entire kingdom.

Shadow and Bone meets Mark of the Raven in this epic for fans of faith-based young adult fantasy.

Arriving April 10, 2021. 

If you want to stay updated on the release, make sure to follow Angela R. Watts on Instagram HERE, and Blade of Truth Publishing HERE!

And now for the cover reveal....

Hold on to your hats, folks.  It's breathtaking.  

Doesn't that look awesome?  Are you looking forward to reading Golgotha?