Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 Hey everyone!  Today I have an exciting post -- a cover reveal for This Fairy Tale Love by romance author Naomi Hall!  This is a super-sweet novella and it will officially be released May 4th, 2021.  


Love isn’t always a fairy tale...

Lucy Levitt is too busy with her family’s ranch and her job to partake in romance. She believes God will give her the right man when the time is right and she won’t risk any mistakes. But when the new bachelor in town asks her to the mayor’s dinner party, can Lucy take a chance on what appears to be a match made in heaven? How can she be sure she’s found “the one”?

Edward Prosner will restore his father’s honor among his peers, but he’ll have to dishonor himself in the process. Ed will only be happy if he can prove the mayor’s a cheat. But he can’t even find a date for the mayor’s party--until he meets Lucy, a woman who still believes in fairy tales. If Ed can’t fix his mistakes, then he’ll miss the only happily ever after he’s ever wanted.

Make sure to follow Naomi Hall on Instagram and sign up for her newsletter for updates!

And now -- for the cover reveal!  It's super gorgeous.  

Isn't it pretty?!  

Are you looking forward to the release of this book?  What are some of your favorite romance novels?