Monday, September 27, 2021


 Hey everyone! I had the opportunity to read and review Mercy Undeserved by Kristina Hall, and I just got done reading it, so I figured now would be the best time to share! I've also read and reviewed the first book in her Moretti Trilogy, Promises Unbroken, so make sure to check out that post HERE!  Before we get into the review, here's some info on Mercy Undeserved!


Kristina Hall is a sinner saved by grace who seeks to glorify God with her words. She is a homeschool graduate and holds a degree in accounting. When she's not writing, she enjoys reading, arm wrestling, lifting weights, and playing the violin. Visit her website at


How much more will she lose?


Lillian Rossi had it all—a devoted husband, a new baby, and all the riches she'd dreamed of. But one January day changed everything. Now, the consequences of her late husband's sins extend to her and her son, and Matteo, though only a baby, is the rightful heir to the Rossi empire, making him a target.

Alberto Moretti promised to protect Lillian and her son, but he well knows the cruelty and desperation of the Rossi family. He served them all too long—until God set him free.

As Lillian and Alberto are thrown together in a race to save her and Matteo's lives, their own sins and Stefano Rossi's plans threaten to destroy them. Will they fall prey to the danger so close behind, or will they find mercy they've done nothing to deserve?



I'm usually a bit leery about the second book in any series, because there's a certain level of expectation there, especially for readers. But if anything, Hall's craft improved in this book! She weaves some good moral questions and themes into the storyline rather realistically (such as death row, doing what's right in the sight of God, so on). The characters are pretty relatable as well, and it was great to see the story that began in Book 1 come full-circle as well later on in the story. While there was one particularly large plot point that seemed to be unrealistically approached/rushed within the story (the idea offered and then resolved within one chapter and a page or so), which did bother me because it disrupted the flow and the characters didn't seem to react like I'd expected they would, the overall story seemed to smooth out those wrinkles, and the pacing picked up nicely from there on out. This is one that I didn't *intend* to finish quite so soon, but I ended up sitting down around chapter 10 and didn't look up again until I hit the end. If you're a fan of Hall's work, you'll want to pick this one up!

Have you read any of Kristina Hall's books? Anyone interested to see what happens next in the Moretti Trilogy? 


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