Saturday, April 2, 2022


Sometimes Rapunzel is the prisoner, and sometimes she is the one holding the key. 

Are you guys ready for an anthology full of Rapunzel retellings? I sure hope so, because there's one I'm particularly excited about which will be releasing May 1st. You'll be able to snag copies from Amazon as well as the Ye Olde Dragon Books website (as they're the publisher). This is the second book in the Ye Old Dragons Fairytale Anthology series, and just like the first book (When Your Beauty is the Beast), the theme is a fairytale character, but covers a wide range of genres. There are sixteen different takes on the Rapunzel trope featured in this anthology, from humorous to frightening, heartbreaking to courageous. 

And today's the cover reveal, so without further ado...

And now, I'd like to share why I'm especially excited for this book to come out. While I'm sure it's a HUUUGE surprise to everyone that I'm a nerd for anything that involves Rapunzel, it may come as a surprise that I have a short story that will be published in this anthology! "The Dragon-Keep's Servant" is a unique twist on Rapunzel, and I had a ton of fun working on it. I was really shocked to be accepted into this antho and it's been so hard keeping my mouth shut xD So I hope you guys are excited to check it out -- I'm so excited to read the other stories in this antho -- and I hope you enjoy learning about my main character, Galena, when May 1st rolls around!

Special thanks to Kaitlyn Emery (@kaitlyn_scribbling on Instagram) for that sweet cover! Are you excited for Tales from the Tower


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