Thursday, May 18, 2023

Two Secret Projects and Two Opportunities!


Hey everyone!

So apparently I'm a glutton for punishment, and I'm currently working on five WIPs concurrently while launching The Healer of the Brigade. I'll be sharing more on a few of them very soon, but for now, I'm looking for a few stellar candidates for alpha and beta feedback! Please consider each form below and sign up if you're game! 

Project: A thirty-day devotional geared toward overcoming hurt and giving control of our lives to God.
Wanted: Beta Readers with a background in writing devotionals, faith-based expositions, lay-pastors (or pastors also!)
Manuscript Sent: June 19, 2023
Feedback Due: July 22, 2023 
Signup form: HERE

Project: A YA Christian nonmagical fantasy with faint Nutcracker vibes, with tropes like long-lost friends to lovers, sibling bonds, brother bonds, and more. 
Wanted: Alpha Readers who love any of the above! 
Manuscript Sent: June 25, 2023 
Feedback Due: July 30, 2023 
Signup form: HERE


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