Sunday, June 4, 2023


 Hey everyone! So for me, it's time to celebrate one year free from chronic migraines and anxiety, by God's grace and healing power. This time last year, I didn't know what on earth was coming for me--but I'm so grateful that it did, and I wake up every morning in gratitude. That despite my doubts, my shortcomings, my anxieties and fears, God still met me where I was and sent people to help me heal mentally--and then physically, too.

For you, that means a free book! If you haven't read Back to Me yet, here's your chance to do so for free! Through June 5-9th, pick up a Kindle copy of Back to Me (and if you have read it already, please leave a review!) 

This week, I've also got an exciting announcement coming (well, I think it's exciting, we'll see what everyone else thinks) so make sure to stay tuned! 

Snag your copy HERE.


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