Sunday, July 14, 2024


 I am beyond thrilled to share the cover reveal for my next fantasy novel, Chasing the Lutetia Light. If part of that title sounds a little familiar to you, you've probably read A Dance of Rebels. And if you have, this is actually a side-story prequel featuring Elsbeth and Benjamin...of the Lutetia Light

But enough of that. You want to read the blurb, right? It's below.


Daughter of a nobleman. Renegade. Defender of innocents.

When a rash of disappearances strikes Elsbeth’s kingdom, she seeks to rescue the missing children at any cost. Even if that means striking out on her own and hiring a dangerous seafarer to help her.

Benjamin, a cocky young captain, will take most any job to run away from the past. But when his past and Elsbeth’s present collide, he struggles with the consequences.

When Elsbeth and Benjamin realize their battle is against a perilous stronghold, they realize success will take more than they’ve bargained. To conquer darkness takes sacrifice. Selflessness. A willingness to lay down one’s life.

Will the Lutetia Light make it to shore? 

Arriving SEPTEMBER 10, 2024. 

Preorder NOW for $0.99--click HERE!

And I suppose you want to see the cover, right? Good thing, because I've been hanging onto it for too long and I am PSYCHED to share it. 

So what are your thoughts?


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